[奨励賞]杉山 智子/ミシガン大学Tomoko Sugiyama, M.D. [分野:ミシガン] Measuring grip strength in adolescents and adults with cerebral palsy in a clinic setting: Feasibility,...
[特別賞]真流 玄武/ミシガン大学Gembu Maryu, Ph.D. [分野:ミシガン] Nuclear-cytoplasmic compartmentalization of cyclin B1-Cdk1 promotes robust timing of mitotic events...
[特別賞]中島 啓裕/ミシガン大学Takahiro Nakashima, M.D., Ph.D. [分野:ミシガン] Effect of percutaneous ventricular assisted device on post-cardiac arrest myocardial...
[奨励賞]大倉 直人/ミシガン大学Naoto Ohkura, D.D.S., Ph.D. [分野:ミシガン] Cranial Neural Crest Specific Deletion of Alpl (TNAP) via P0-Cre Causes Abnormal Chondrocyte...
[論文賞]中塚 賀也/京都大学Yoshinari Nakatsuka, M.D., Ph.D. [分野:ミシガン] Pseudomonas aeruginosa hijacks the murine nitric oxide metabolic pathway to evade killing by...
[奨励賞]黒川 遼/東京大学Ryo Kurokawa, M.D., Ph.D. [分野:ミシガン] Diffusion histogram profiles predict molecular features of grade 4 in histologically lower-grade...